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HomeMarketing10 Tips for Creating Highly Effective Lead Magnets

10 Tips for Creating Highly Effective Lead Magnets

Statistics show that 98% of your visitors don’t turn into customers, and 70% of them don’t return to your website. So, your marketing endeavors aren’t effective on a massive majority of your website visitors. It’s possible to improve your business strategy by introducing – you guessed it – “lead magnets.” What is a lead magnet? These are merely incentives that convince more visitors to read your content or buy your products. Marketers leverage magnets, e.g., ebooks, whitepapers, and trial subscriptions – for creating sales leads. Sadly, 40% of marketers today don’t use magnets, and 10% of them aren’t even aware this concept exists! And those who use magnets regularly struggle to make this idea effective.

Actionable Tips for Building Valuable Lead Magnets

A survey by wpforms shows that 50% of marketers have reported higher conversion rates by incorporating a lead magnet into the value proposition. But it means that an equal number of marketers haven’t acquired the expected results with this tactic. That’s why we are writing down these words for explaining the correct approach to creating effective lead magnets. You can make these items lucrative enough to bring more website traffic. Remember that the trick lies in understanding your audience. Consider these suggestions to improve your marketing ROI:

1) Understand your audience

The first step involves researching your audience to understand what grabs their attention. Always remember that you’re creating magnets for your audience. So, create a buyer persona as it enables you to comprehend your potential customers’ expectations. This digital avatar will encompass your audience’s problems, objectives, interests & hobbies, and purchase behavior. It’ll let you identify the problem you must solve. You also need to consider your product’s USPs or unique selling points.

2) Make them evergreen

Ebooks are some of the most popular lead magnets marketers use today. So, you can visit this site here to learn how to design and publish the perfect ebook for your marketing campaign. Just ensure that your magnet is evergreen, i.e., offers some value immediately, encourages repeated usage, and can be updated easily. Magnets that become irrelevant quickly aren’t suitable for business. So, it’s crucial to ascertain that your lead magnet remains relevant to establish yourself as an authority in the years to come.

3) Keep them targeted

This step deals with finding the perfect platform for engaging with the audience. Consider yourself promoting male colognes on Pinterest. You should realize that 70% of Pinterest users are women, so it seems futile to advertise men’s products on a female-dominant platform. On the other hand, just 50% of Instagram users are men, so you have better chances to target potential buyers. Don’t collect leads that are irrelevant to your organization, and make your lead magnets exceedingly specific.

4) Keep it simple

We can’t emphasize the importance of keeping your content simple. Avoid using business jargon too much. Instead, speak in laymen’s terms. In today’s age, information overload has decreased a reader’s attention span. So, keeping things brief remains the fastest route inside people’s minds. It seems wiser to make your message appear at the top of your site. It must be visible and readable for even random visitors. Also, ensure that people can see the value your product brings to them.

5) Offer discount codes

Statistics published by MarketingProfs show that 57% of American e-shoppers using a coupon code bought an item only because they received the discount. Moreover, some 90% of consumers believe that special promotions are persuasive reasons for joining loyalty programs. So, marketers should offer discount codes to increase their sales and enhance website traffic. No wonder some experts do label lead magnets as “opt-in bribes”! Make the bribe lucrative, and you will attract more customers.

6) Offer a demo

You must build trust with your audience and earn their pleasure. Many marketers earn it by offering their products for trial. Letting people use your product temporarily will increase their chances of becoming paying customers. Also, you can acquire people’s information by offering them a demo version for honing your email list-building endeavors. People love telling their contact information in exchange for free stuff! It lets users determine if there are any problems with the product as well.

7) Tell a story

Marketers must be imaginative and creative when it comes to creating artistic messages. You should possess storytelling capabilities to engage the audience. Traditional advertisements attract not every potential customer. For instance, behind-the-scene stories may intrigue visitors who are interested in learning about what goes inside your organization. On social media, this trend has now become dominant. More companies now realize the power of laid-back and simplistic stories.

8) Use some testimonials

Interestingly, people don’t trust a business unless it has social proof, i.e., people appreciating it online and recommending its products. Hence, an organization must show its reputation by publishing case studies and testimonials. Studies show that putting testimonials on top of your lead generation page leads to a 50% increase in conversions. Marketers today are creating video testimonials that are fun, short, and edifying. For instance, search on Google about Codeacademy stories. You’ll love them!

9) Offer quality content

Don’t forget that content remains the “king” of your marketing strategy. You must produce quality content that’s also interactive, interesting, and informative for readers. Most readers skip the entire content and just read the headings. So, make the headlines captivating by using strong words. Keep the content relevant to your typical visitors. Don’t publish half-baked lead magnets that provide no value to an average customer. Lastly, we’ll discuss some types of content marketers can now try.

10) Different content formats

Marketers can repurpose content to make it everlasting and engage more audiences. For instance, you may transform your popular blog posts into a PDF document and make them accessible to many readers. Video marketing constitutes a booming industry. Marketers also experiment with videos and podcasts to increase website traffic. Similarly, FAQs and infographics attract people’s attention and are excellent content formats for your lead magnets.


What are the biggest challenges in digital marketing right now? A survey shows that 61% of marketers struggle with effective lead generation. An organization can’t expand its business without creating some regular incoming leads. That’s why it’s crucial to master the art of building valuable lead magnets. You can ensure a constant source of digital traffic to your website by incentivizing your campaigns. For B2B marketers, experts recommend ebooks (13%), webinars (16%), and in-person events (19%) as the most successful magnet examples. It’s now up to your marketing department to decide between short-form magnets (checklists or newsletters) and long-form magnets (guides or reports) for better conversion.

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